The Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at St. Paul's' promises to be another inspiring program filled with music, an outstanding speaker from the local community, and the presentation of the Percy and Lileah Harris "Who is My Neighbor Award". The 10Th annual award will be presented during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at St. Paul’s UMC on January 19, 2009 at 7:00 pm.
Our speaker this year is Jerry Matchett, General Manager of Staples Office Supply Store, here in Cedar Rapids. He as served on many boards and has been involved with many community activities. Mr. Matchett was born Tuskegee, Alabama, but shortly moved to South Dakota. As a young teenager, he moved to Ames, Iowa. Mr. Matchett has a Bachelor of Liberal Studies-Management, Psychology and Commutation from the University of Northern Iowa.
Plan to attend this year's celebration - to be inspired by Mr. Matchett; to hear the music of the Gospel Choir of Johnson School of the Arts and of Mt. Zion's Men's Choir and of St. Paul's Music Ministry; to celebrate the new honoree of the "Who is My Neighbor Award" - and all to be done as a reminder of the enduring contributions of Dr. King.
Who's My Neighbor Award
In the January, 2000, the first Percy and Lileah Harris "Who is My Neighbor" Award was presented to Dr. and Mrs. Harris and all future awards will carry their name. The award plaque reads "In recognition of a lifelong faith commitment to living in harmony with others and to promoting equality and social justice in the community.” This year’s award will be the tenth award presented at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at St. Paul’s.
"Who is My Neighbor" is based on the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus told in response to the question, "Who is my neighbor?" Dr. King also used the story of the Good Samaritan in his final speech in Memphis just before he was assassinated in 1968.
The recipient of the award needs to meet these criteria:
1. Acts out of a religious faith base
2. Is caring and compassionate.
3. Is community oriented.
4. Is a good neighbor to all.
5. Lives within Linn County.
If you have further questions on this year's event, please contact Robin Tucker, Publicity Chair at tuckerusa@aol.com. You are cordially invited to attend the public celebration on January 19, 2009 at 7 pm. This year’s program promises to continue our great tradition, the music and a dramatic reading of Martin Luther King Jr.’s words. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church is located at 1340 Third Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
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