- In the morning, Groves will collect forms from D.C. residents at local eatery Ben's Chili Bowl. He'll then move to a celebration at Freedom Plaza, just steps away from the Old Post Office.
- Strategically positioned outside the post office in Chicago's Federal Plaza, the 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour vehicle and local census staff will remind residents on their way to work to mail back their forms.
- At state capitols in Montpelier, Vt. and Olympia, Wash.; census staff will partner with local officials and community leaders at rallies and celebrations to get the word out.
- At the Yuma County Fair in Arizona, Atlanta's Robert Woodruff Park and the Jewish Children's Museum in New York City, local census staff will host events to celebrate National Census Day and remind residents it's not too late mail back their census forms.
A complete list of Census Day events can be found at http://2010.census.gov/news/pdf/National_Census_Day_Events.pdf. To track national and local participation rates, the Census Bureau's “Take 10” Rate Tracker widget is available for download at http://2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map. Anyone with a Web site can copy and paste a widget that will display and automatically update their community's mail participation rates on a daily basis. A new interactive Google Earth application also shows mail participation rates for 2010 — updated daily — a user-friendly platform for broadcast news stations that want to zoom in on their area's rates. (See: http://maplify.com/blog/ and http://maplify.com/census/).
Census data is used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds annually. In 2000, the nation reversed a three-decade decline in mail rates, achieving a participation rate of 72 percent.
All census responses are confidential. Answers are protected by law and cannot be shared with anyone. The Census Bureau takes extreme measures to protect the identity of individuals and businesses. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents' individually identifiable answers with anyone, including tribal housing authorities, other federal agencies and law enforcement entities.
The 2010 Census is a count of everyone living in the United States and is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. Census data are used to apportion congressional seats to states, to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds to tribal, state and local governments each year and to make decisions about what community services to provide. The 2010 Census form is one of the shortest in U.S. history, consisting of 10 questions, taking about 10 minutes to complete. Strict confidentiality laws protect the respondents and the information they provide.
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Tucker Manufacturing Co, Inc. celebrates our
65Th anniversary of business in 2010!
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