At last week's IWCA Trade Show and Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, the American Window Cleaner magazine released their most recent issue of the magazine. For those that may not know, the American Window Cleaner Magazine is a bi-monthly publication serving the professional window cleaners throughout the world.
You can find our ad on page 35 of the magazine.
The lead story in the current issue is titled team players "the co-preneurail couple"... very fitting from a magazine ran by partners Norman Finegold and Karen Grinter. By the way, Robin and Carole Tucker both work side by side at Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. Robin joined Tucker in 1988, while Carole joined Tucker in 1990.
On page 21 within the story on Co-preneurial: ko ∙ p(r)e ∙ n(y)u ∙ r-e-al- “couples partnering in self-employment ventures”, Larry Sill is pictured doing work that his wife, Sandy, as the magazine captions "doing what the boss commands"... Larry is pictured washing windows with a Tucker Pole. Larry and Sandy Sill operate a window cleaning business in Robstown, Texas.
The story also includes, Tony and Dawn Evans, who are also Tucker Pole customers from Wellman, Iowa. Tony is pictured in the AWC Gallery of Champions using his Tucker Pole. There are other customers mentioned as well, so we encourage you to pick up an issue. If you need a copy of the current issue, you can contact Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. We would be happy to send you an issue of the magazine, while supplies last.
Tucker distributors: ABC Supplies, CWC Supplies, L.M. Colker, Detroit Sponge, Harry Falk Company and J. Racenstein & Co. all advertise in the current issue of the magazine.
The AWC magazine has been serving the professional window cleaner, since 1986.