Thursday, February 26, 2009

March/April issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine

At last week's IWCA Trade Show and Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, the American Window Cleaner magazine released their most recent issue of the magazine. For those that may not know, the American Window Cleaner Magazine is a bi-monthly publication serving the professional window cleaners throughout the world.

You can find our ad on page 35 of the magazine.

The lead story in the current issue is titled team players "the co-preneurail couple"... very fitting from a magazine ran by partners Norman Finegold and Karen Grinter. By the way, Robin and Carole Tucker both work side by side at Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. Robin joined Tucker in 1988, while Carole joined Tucker in 1990.

On page 21 within the story on Co-preneurial: ko ∙ p(r)e ∙ n(y)u ∙ r-e-al- “couples partnering in self-employment ventures”, Larry Sill is pictured doing work that his wife, Sandy, as the magazine captions "doing what the boss commands"... Larry is pictured washing windows with a Tucker Pole. Larry and Sandy Sill operate a window cleaning business in Robstown, Texas.

The story also includes, Tony and Dawn Evans, who are also Tucker Pole customers from Wellman, Iowa. Tony is pictured in the AWC Gallery of Champions using his Tucker Pole. There are other customers mentioned as well, so we encourage you to pick up an issue. If you need a copy of the current issue, you can contact Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. We would be happy to send you an issue of the magazine, while supplies last.

Tucker distributors: ABC Supplies, CWC Supplies, L.M. Colker, Detroit Sponge, Harry Falk Company and J. Racenstein & Co. all advertise in the current issue of the magazine.

The AWC magazine has been serving the professional window cleaner, since 1986.

tucker pole

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Twitter: Spotlight on Tucker Pole customer in Orange County, California

We noticed the following company is using twitter, as is Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. We enjoyed visiting their web site and we couldn't help noticing our product pictured.

Cleaning windows in San Clemente, California with the Tucker Pole.

Using the Tucker Pole, they described the following picture: "Deionized water window washing spot free rinse crystal clear results on palizada in San Clemente"

And don't forget the commercial windows in Orange County, California.

On behalf of all of us at Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA, manufacturer of the Tucker® Pole Window Washers and Exterior Maintenance Systems, we want to thank Wonderful Windows of Orange County, California for using the Tucker Pole in their operations. We wish Dave Miller the very best in his business. It's great to see your Tucker Poles in use on your web site.

tucker pole

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Area window cleaner shares pictures with Tucker; News on recent Canadian window cleaning event

Back from Atlanta...
Last week, Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. had the pleasure to participate in the 20Th annual IWCA Trade Show and Convention, held in Atlanta, Georgia on February 18-21, 2009. It was a great opportunity to visit with professional window cleaners who make up the organization.

Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. is one of the founding members of the association. We have exhibited at each of the 20 trade shows that the IWCA organized.

Today, one of the members of the IWCA, who participated at last week's IWCA Convention forwarded to us a couple of pictures and a short message...
I thought you'd like these photo's of me using my Tucker on a 4 story job.
It's in Iowa City down by the old capitol. It was great to talk w/ you and
Carole in Atlanta. -
Tony Evans of Wellman, Iowa
We enjoyed visiting with Tony and his wife, along with the many other professional window cleaners that attended this year's IWCA Trade Show and Convention. Feel free and keep in touch throughout the year.

**** ****
Further, we had an opportunity to talk to Morley at Waymore Cleaning in Ontario, Canada today. Morley has been a Tucker Pole user for the past ten years. He learned about the Tucker Pole at the Nashville convention of IWCA in 1999. It was back in 1999, where the term "waterfed pole" was coined, when IWCA conducted it's first Tucker Pole, we mean waterfed pole seminar.

Morley reports that first Canadian Conference last weekend in Ontario, Canada "was very good, had about 20 guys" at the event. The organizers of the Canadian Conference are planning to have another event in 2010.

This year's event was at the same time as the IWCA event. But, next year, it sounds like they are planning to host the Canadian Conference in early January (likely a couple of weeks before IWCA) to avoid a schedule conflict. The IWCA 2010 Trade Show and Convention is scheduled for Reno, Nevada on January 27-30, 2010.

Have some news on window cleaning or about how you use your Tucker Pole in your operations? We would love to hear from you.

tucker pole

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Meeting: 2/23/09

Robin Tucker will be attending the following meeting:

Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Monday, February 23, 2009

12 p.m.

Crowne Plaza Hotel

Speaker and Program:

Doug Neumann, Economic Planning & Redevelopment Corporation - Progress/Problems

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tucker Manufacturing Co. Inc.. Updates Internet Presence


Update to, which was first launched in 1996

February 9, 2009 -- Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA

Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. updates their Internet presence on a new server to better help our visitors and customers. We invite you to stop by for updated information and don't forget to visit our blog.

Tucker was founded in 1945. We introduced a home-car washer in the 1950s. In 1957, the Tucker® High-Level Window Washer was introduced for exterior window cleaning. Today, the Tucker® Pole Window Washers and Exterior Maintenance Systems help a variety of in-house professionals, building service contractors, professional window cleaners and other users.

Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.

For More Information Contact:
Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc.
613 Second Avenue SE
PO Box 848
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0848
Toll-Free in North America: 1-800-553-8131
Tel: 1-319-363-3591
FAX: 1-319-366-7792
Internet e-mail:

Web site Note and Rotary Club Meeting for 2/9/2009

Robin Tucker will be attending the following meeting today:


12 p.m at

Today's Speaker and Program:

Contact Robin Tucker, if you have any comments or questions.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our web site is experiencing some technical issues today

Our web site is experiencing some technical issues today. We regret the inconvenience and we are working with our 3Rd party supplier to resolve this problem.

tucker manufacturing co., inc.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A cost effective way to clean exterior surfaces: Windows and more

Window cleaning and surface cleaning with the original reach and wash tool, better known as the Tucker® Pole Window Washers and Exterior Maintenance Systems have been available for over 5o years now.

Models reach up to 22, 45 and even 83 feet for the window washers.

Typically surface cleaning is up to 45 feet for signs, awnings, fascia and other exterior surfaces.

Historically, our products began with the in-house professional, back in the 1950s and 1960s. The building service contractors and later the professional window cleaners, especially in the 1980s when "spot free" water began to be incorporated with the Tucker Pole.

In the 1950s, I.L. "Irv" Tucker and his son, I.L. "Tommy" Tucker, were full-time in Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. They introduced the car-house washer, that in 1957 become the Tucker High-Level Window Washer.

Today, we have seen the development of professional cleaning through in-house professionals, building service contractors and professional window cleaners. Whether big or small, cleaning windows and other exterior surfaces can be done in-house, working safely from the ground with the Tucker Pole.

tucker pole

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We welcome February 1, 2009 with Super Bowl Sunday and Super Bowl XLIII

Our home town paper, The Gazette, put together a 12 game spread in today's paper headlined:

C.R.'s Warner Returns to Football's Biggest State

For Iowans today, it's hard not to go with hometown, home state QB Kurt Warner and his Arizona Cardinals, despite the black & gold of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
We hope everyone has a great Super Bowl Sunday here wherever you may be today!