Information and news from the desk of Robin Tucker. Robin is Vice President of Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. We are located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. Founded in 1945. Our prinicipal products are the Tucker® Pole Window Washer and Exterior Mainteance System. The Tucker High-Level Window Washer is the original waterfed pole produced in the market to reach, clean and wash exterior windows and surfaces. Customers simply call it ... The Tucker Pole!
IWCA Member Registration Fees
Non-Member Registration Fees
We are in the process of reviewing our pricing and we will be announcing new pricing this Summer. We have seen increases in costs, due to petroleum costs rises, which have impacted a variety of costs in our raw materials.
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable May. Safety is always an important aspect to follow.
It has turned out to be a great day today. Four conversations that were outstanding this afternoon ...
The gentleman started out by describing the business my grandfather had been a part of prior to starting Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. in March of 1945. Flood recovery has been on the minds of our community in Cedar Rapids for a long time, since June 2008. Our original business location was at A Street and 22Nd Avenue SW, right in the Czech Village district of Cedar Rapids. The gentleman's business was right across where the museum is today. Had Tucker Manufacturing Co. been at that location in 2008, we would have been destroyed. Thankfully, we moved up to higher ground decades ago. However, many businesses and residents of Cedar Rapids weren't has fortunate.
The gentleman talked about the products that we first made at Tucker Manufacturing Co. like it was yesterday. He spoke about the As we stood outside in the parking lot having this conversation, I just thought to myself how small the world really is at times.
Later in the day, the other three conversations occurred. The gentlemen from California passed on the time the story, when he meet my father "Tommy" at his business. Another "small world" moment.
April has been a very interesting month. Often, the grind of the world today gets one down. It's nice to have a day, where one can reflect and rejoice in the fruit of one's labor. And, today I saw it through the eyes of one of my grandfather's customers, one of my father's, as well as one of my own. Further, it was nice to hear from a new prospect looking to purchase their first Tucker® Pole model.
We are preparing to make a price increase in 2011. One of my distributors today stated to obvious. It's time that we raise prices. So, we will be passing on a price increase soon. The gas prices are impacting raw materials prices heavily. Our last price increase was in 2008. Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA. Our products are manufactured right here in the State of Iowa, since 1945. Since 1957, we have focused on the manufacturing of the first commerical waterfed pole system. Originally called the Tucker High-Level Window Washer, it is better known as a Tucker Pole today.
We want to say thank you to our long-term, new, old, future and existing customers. We appreciate your business. Thank you for sharing a part of our long and enjoyable history.
Friday, April 22 is also Earth Day, so we want to wish you a Happy Earth Day 2011, as well.
We are in the middle of a busy Spring, with producing products, packaging and getting them shipped out from our facility in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Tucker Pole is manufactured here in the USA, right here in Downtown Cedar Rapids.
We want to thank our Distributors, customers, end users, vendors and friends this Easter season. Our offices and production will resume on normal hours on Monday, April 25Th.
If you have experienced issues e-mailing to any of our tuckerusa.com e-mail addresses, we invite you to e-mail us and re-connect. We apologize for the recent troubles that our third-party spam filter has had. We have changed providers and we look forward to a smoother situation in 2011.
Please let us know, if you have any questions?
Robin Tucker for Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc.
The Resolution appointed Paul Pate (co-chair), Kay Halloran (co-chair), Nancy Bruner, LaNisha Cassell, Monica Challenger, James Craig, Patricia (Tricia) Miller, Mary Nelson, Fatima Smejkal, Scott Overland, Robin Tucker, Nancy Welsh and Carleton Whiting (terms effective through 08/15/11) to the Charter Review Commission. Many of the Commissioners were taken from applications.
Background: The City’s Home Rule Charter Section 7.02 requires that a Charter Review Commission be established in 2011. The commission shall review the existing charter and may recommend any charter amendments that it deems appropriate to the council. Mayor Corbett along with all Council members each chose one individual and four at-large individuals to serve on the Charter Review Commission. The group’s final report should be submitted by 08/15/11. Recommendations by the charter can either be approved by the Council or submitted for voter approval. Ballots are printed in September for the November election and therefore recommendations from the Charter Review Commission must be submitted by August.In 2004-05, the local Home Rule Charter Commission was formed, as 15 member commission to recommend to the voters an alternative form of goverment to the the current Commission form of government, at the time. In May 2005, the Home Rule Charter was constructed and presented to Mayor Paul Pate and the City Council. In June of 2005, by a vote of 69% support, the City of Cedar Rapids voted to move to Home Rule. The City had been under the old Commission form of government from 1908 to 2005. Cedar Rapids was one of the last cities above 100,000 still using the Commission form.
Today, the City of Cedar Rapids operates under the Home Rule Charter form of government as prescribed by Chapter 372 of the Code of Iowa. As section 4.01 as the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Code of Ordinances points out: The Home Rule Charter ("the charter") is set forth in this code as an unnumbered chapter. The Home Rule Charter [PDF] draws from the popular Iowa form of government: the Council-Manger form, along with some of the traditions of local government in Cedar Rapids, such as "citizen participation" in boards and commissions, which was a popular part of our commission form of government.
Robin Tucker served together on the Home Rule Charter Commission in 2004-05, along with Nancy Bruner. Ms. Bruner served as one of the co-chairs, while Mr. Tucker served as drafting chair on that previous commission. I look forward to the opportunity to serve with Nancy again, along with the other members who have been appointed the Commission.
The two co-chairs of the recently appointed Charter Review Commission are the most recent outgoing mayors for the City of Cedar Rapids. Mr. Pate was the last Mayor under the previous form of government, while Ms. Hollarn was the first Mayor elected under our Home Rule form of government. The other nine members of the Commission appear to represent a cross section of our community. Commission work is schedule to begin on May 5, 2011 and the Mayor and Council have instructed the Commission that they have until August 15, 2011 to compete the work of the Commission.
With Spring arriving, people are going to begin to head outside to reach, wash and clean. But, remember, to look up and check for wires, before beginning any cleaning project or any outside activity that could lead to danger. Whether you are in the City or out in Rural Areas, electric line safety is required. You may be working or playing, but Safety First is always smart.
Health and safety should always be on every one's mind, whether working inside or out. With the weather improving, many people will begin working with window washers and water fed poles outside. Remember, DANGER - DO NOT use near nor allow contact with electric wires. NO UTILICE dondequiera cerca, ni permita el contacto con Alambres Electricos - PELIGRO.
Survey the work area, look up and avoid power lines
Stay Away From All Overhead Power Lines!
Be Smart, Look Up, and Stay Away from all overhead power lines. Good advice, whether you are working on a farm, living in the city and when you are working with window cleaning equipment, including products like the Tucker® Pole Window Washers and Exterior Maintenance Systems.
On behalf of everyone at Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc., in Downtown Cedar Rapids, we want to wish you a safe and joyful St. Patrick's Day 2011.
On Saturday, a little Red will be in the air, with the St. Joseph's Day Parade in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids. But, today's it is all about the Green! Happy St. Patrick's Day...
We go to great lengths world wide!
Tucker Pole It Clean!
To All:
- FedEx Ground:
Will NOT be making any deliveries or Pick Ups today. We received no Freight in and nothing left Cedar Rapids last night.- FedEx Express/Air:
We will not be making any deliveries, freight did NOT make it out last night. As
far as pickups go, I will no more after the lunch hour.- FedEx Freight LTL Priority and Economy:
We will not be making any deliveries or pickups. Freight did NOT leave the
building here either.Thank you for understanding.
FedEx Sales
We will not be shipping any orders today, due to the recent storm. We hope to resume normal operations on Thursday, February 3, 2011.
Pretty darn good Final 4 heading towards Super Bowl 45 ...