Happy September 9Th to all ...
On Saturday, Americans and many throughout the world will reflect on September 11Th. In the State of Iowa, the Iowa-Iowa State football rivalry is played. This year at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City, the game will be played.
Today, we want to wish a
Happy Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year, celebrating 2010 to those of the Jewish faith. For our Muslims friends,
Eid al-Fitr, the three days of feasting and family gatherings to celebrate the conclusion of Ramadan, begins at sunset tonight.
For most people today, we live in challenging times. Despite our individual differences and personal challenges, we need to find a way to get to know our neighbors and work to live with one another. These can be very difficult at times with our local, state and global challenges facing many in our society.
The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do
FIRST: Is it the TRUTH?
SECOND: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
FOURTH: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

In these difficult times, may we find peace with one another. May we seek the Truth, may we choose to be Fair to all concerned, may we seek to build Goodwill and Better Friendship and work to be Beneficial to all concerned.
Since 1945, for three generations, our company and our relationship with
RI have been a part of who we are at
Tucker Manufacturing Co., Inc. We extend you peace and look forward to our conversation in the future. We would be pleased with the opportuntiy to discuss solutions for your window cleaning and exterior surface cleaning equipment and systems requirements.