1. Access to a water faucet... unless you are in Europe or a facility location that doesn't have adequate water pressure or a water faucet, you are one step closer to using a Tucker Pole.
2. Is your water hard? If you throw water on a clean mirror and walk away... does it leave spots? A DI tank or other water treatment options can remove the problem. Getting started can be cost effective and allow your water fed business to grow with you. Water treatment doesn't have to be complicated.
3. The right model for the job you need to perform. The Tucker Pole hooks up to a standard garden hose, so if you have access to a water faucet, garden hose, and your right model of Tucker Pole, you may be ready to roll in cleaning windows and other surfaces. If spotting is a problem, see #2.
We often notice in our industry, people are making use of a water fed pole more complicated than it needs to be. Please let us know, if we can be of service to you with your water fed pole questions or comments.
Tucker Pole